Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ear Stretching (Gauging)

When stretching your ears there are a few things to remember. Number one, don't skip sizes! Yes, people have done it but it's not good for your skin. There's also no guarantee that you will have the same result. You can scar your ear beyond repair by stretching to the wrong size. Another thing to keep in mind is, like a piercing, you need to do it quick so your skin doesn't have time to swell. If you try to push your taper through slowly, thinking you can avoid the pinch (you wont), your ear will start swelling. Not only will this cause you unnecessary pain, but you'll most likely never get your taper through.

Try to slide your plugs in behind the taper or put them in soon after stretching. Tapers are meant for stretching not everyday wear. They are too heavy for your ears and can get caught on things easily (especially larger ones!). If your ears feel tight or swollen longer than usual (mine normally take a day) or wont move try taking a hot shower, making sure the water hits your ear lobes. It should help reduce any swelling and make you feel better.

Can't get them in? When I can't get my tapers through, I push them until I feel that squeeze/pinch then band them. They look silly, yes. I do it a few hours before bed to give them rest time, then sleep with the tapers halfway in. When I wake, they've slid all the way through!

You should never bleed or see puss running from your ears. If this occurs, your ears weren't ready or you went too big. Remove the jewelry and clean immediately. If the damage isn't too bad, put in jewelry of your previous size after cleaning to avoid losing your lovely tunnels. If you're bleeding a lot, your lobe is ripped, or it looks like skin is hanging out leave the jewelry out and see a doctor.  

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