Thursday, March 14, 2013

Why You Should Take Vitamins

For a long time I thought vitamins were just for old people. As it turns out they're good for everyone (and I REALLY needed them). Your body needs protein, calcium, iron, and all kinds of other nutrients. Whose to say all those are in the food we eat in a day? I know I don't check the labels.

I started feeling weak all the time for a short while when I started reading more into health and realized I wasn't getting what I needed. I especially needed help because I have low Calcium and Iron from being lactose intolerant and anemic. There are foods to help this, but there's no guarantee I'll eat them every day. Who would want to eat the same thing every day?

Vitamins are a good way to substitute anything you're missing in your diet. Personally I like the "One A Day" brand. It includes a lot of nutrients you could be missing due to a special diet or just being unaware. There's almost always something you miss without realizing. Getting all of these nutrients every day will make you feel much better and give you energy you didn't have before.  


  1. I agree with you! Vitamins are not just for old people. I take Vitamin B12 pill. I will have to try the one a day :)

  2. For me, I do know some vitamins have really helped my health to a great extent.

  3. You really should. Check out the website. There they tell you about all the products and which vitamin is best for you.
