Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wake Up & Stay Up

One thing I hate is waking up because I don't feel awake. Sometimes that feeling doesn't go away and can leave me feeling groggy and lazy all day. So I have a routine that eliminates those feelings for me.

As soon as I wake up, I turn on some tunes (usually some kind of upbeat, dance music) and stretch. This gets my body ready to get moving. Just some basic arm, leg, and back stretches. Then a few crunches and abdominal twists. Sometimes I do leg lifts too. Just a few, not enough for an actual workout. If I want that I can do it later.

Next I make my coffee and drink a cup as I choose my outfit for the day. Maybe dance a little just because the music is still going! Then take a shower, your next awesome wake up call. If water in the face doesn't wake you up, I don't know what will. If possible leave the music to play while you shower. All this unconscious dancing helps shake off the sleep.

Keep your groove going while you dress and do your hair and make up. You should be good to go. I also have another cup of coffee while getting ready, but this works just as well without coffee if you don't drink it. It sounds like a lot of work just crawling out of bed, but its really not. The hardest part is the stretching and working out, which is what initially wakes you. The rest just keeps your blood flowing and body moving to keep the lazy feelings away. Hope this works for everyone else!  

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